LinkMagz Blogger Template is made with a look that is really the current trend, the Dark Mode. This feature is really cool in my opinion and has been really optimized so that it can work well so that the color change to dark easly and smooth.
LinkMagz Version .1.8.0 Free Download  
The Settings can be done in full in Blogger Layout. So, if you want to edit the navigation menu, you don't need to bother going to the HTML Edit menu. You can even make special posts for products and services if you want to sell.
Features Availability
Responsive 100% True
SEO Ready True
Fast Loading True
Ads Optimized True
Theme Designer Support True
Using Schema Markup True
Icon Using SVG True
Breadcrumb Navigation True
Auto Readmore True
Footer Menu True
Pop-up Search Form True
Related Posts Widget True
Responsive Shared Button True
Infinite Scroll Navigation True
Back to Top Button True
Custom Error page True
No Credit Link True